世界の海ザッピング 153話

ブルーコーナーマガジン, 世界の海ザッピング 

 今回の世界の海ザッピングはNational Geographic(ナショナルジオグラフィック)の記事からです。


タイトルは”Do sharks hold their breath underwater? This species might.”



Scalloped hammerhead sharks may be holding their breath when they dive deep into frigid waters. The revelation, published today in Science, suggests that this strategy may allow the warm-water dwellers to regulate their temperature while they hunt.

This technique is “completely unexpected,” says Mark Royer, a shark biologist at the University of Hawaii who led the research. “This kind of behavior has never been observed in any kind of deep-diving fish,” he says, and it now raises questions about how widespread breath-holding may be among other species.

These critically endangered hammerhead sharks typically rely on forward movement to force water across their gills, which enables them to extract needed oxygen to breathe. Yet when the predators swim half a mile down to catch squid and other prey, the colder water could impact their metabolism, cardiac function, and eyesight—all factors that would reduce their hunting prowess.

By closing their gills and mouths—holding their breath—the animals could limit their exposure to cold water.

Some species, like bluefin tuna and mako sharks, have specialized anatomy that allows them to conserve their body heat in cold waters, but scalloped hammerheads don’t have that advantage.

That’s why some scientists have theorized that scalloped hammerheads maintain their body heat using simple thermal inertia—essentially relying on their large body size to help maintain their temperature and carry heat down as they dive into cold depths.


この研究を主導したハワイ大学のサメ生物学者マーク・ロイヤー氏は、この手法は「まったく予想外だった」と語る。 「この種の行動は、どの種類の深層魚でも観察されたことがありません」と彼は言い、このことは現在、息止めが他の種の間でどの程度広範囲に広がっているのかという疑問を引き起こしている。






